Software development for improvement of VNFOREST’s Forest Resource Monitoring System

Implementation Time: 2021 – 2022

Client: JAFTA


Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST) is caring out of a Forest Resource Monitoring System (FRMS) under Decision No. 4539/QD-BNN-TCLN dated 06 November 2017. The FRMS was developed by the former FORMIS II Project, the inclusion of 3 major components of FRMS Database, FRMS Web, and FRMS Desktop. Over the years of operation, the system shows a  lot of deprecations, limitations and bugs that need to be improved and fixed. In addition, the Vietnam Government is adjusting administrative boundaries nationwide and MARD issued Circular 33/2018/TT-BNNPTNT on prescribing forest survey, inventory and forest transition monitoring which comes effective from 01 January 2019. In order to adjust the relevant information and data in the database according to the issued legal bases, the system needs to be updated and upgraded.

The work contents are to provide system programming services to develop and/or to improve the current version of VNFOREST’s FRMS under the work contents proposed by FPD and supervised by Japan Forest Technology Association (JAFTA) of SNRM2 Project.