List of available sample GIS and Remote sensing data sets for Vietnam
A collection of sample data sets for use with our training and demo. Most of the vector data sets are provided in ESRI’s shape file format. Raster data are provided in Geotiff format.
The data are provided as is, without any warranties. Some of the data sets are purely illustrative and should not be used for substantive research.
Name | Description | Download |
1. DEM VN | Digital Elevation Model 30 m resolution. Source NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Version 3.0 | SRTM_30_VN_UTM |
2. Vietnam administrative 3 layers (GADM) | Global Administrative Area | |
3. Annual average temperature | World Clim Global Climate data Resolution 1 km | tmean_mean_vn_utm |
4. Annual average precipitation | World Clim Global Climate data Resolution 1 km | Prec_mean_vn_utm |
5. Satellite images and mbtiles data | Landsat 8 and Sentinel image clip by commune. Format: JPG2000 and Mbtiles | Open download page |
6. Vietnam Natural Index | Web-map application provide Vietnam natural data, aggregated by admin boundary, ecoregion and national park | Open web application |