Lam Dong participatory biodiversity monitoring data management system

The Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV) is implementing the Delivering Multiple Benefits through REDD+ project (MB-REDD). The project is carried out in collaboration with local government and community stakeholders in Lam Dong province. Lam Dong is one of the first provinces in Vietnam to develop a Provincial REDD+ Action Plan (PRAP) and the MB-REDD project will assist the province in developing systems for monitoring REDD+ activity implementation and impacts using participatory approaches involving local stakeholders and communities.
As one of the key output areas of the MB-REDD project, SNV has been assisting Lam Dong province to develop a participatory forest monitoring (PFM) approach including sampling and field data collection methodologies as well as information management systems. The PFM approach developed thus far in Lam Dong aims to integrate both the measurement of changes in forest carbon stock through participatory carbon monitoring (PCM) as well as relevant biodiversity indicators through participatory biodiversity monitoring (PBM).
The PFM system intends to provide data and information on measurable changes in forest carbon stocks and biodiversity for both forest owners and provincial level agencies to track progress towards stated forest protection and development, biodiversity conservation and REDD+ goals and objectives. This monitoring scheme is developed in the context of Lam Dong’s PRAP, recently approved in January 2015. As such, the PFM pilot activities could also contribute to demonstrating how Vietnam is addressing and respecting REDD+ safeguards under the UNFCCC, in addition to reporting requirements for other provincial, national and international commitments on biodiversity i.e. to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).