Software development to manage and monitor mineral resource exploitation in the province and train system administrators and guide users under the Project on Application of Remote Sensing Technology and Use of Satellite Images for work management and supervision of mineral exploitation in Binh Thuan province

Implementation time: 31/3/2023 – 30/9/2023

Client: Binh Thuan Department of Natural Resources and Environment


The WebGIS system is a necessary support tool in the management of mineral resources, making it convenient for managers to monitor the situation of mineral activities of mining areas within the planning of Binh Thuan province; update information on the operating situation of licensed mining areas; testing to monitor changes in the current status of mineral planning areas via satellite images; especially a suitable solution according to the province’s policy on applying remote sensing technology, information technology, and using satellite image sources to serve state management in the field of mineral resources. The project’s objectives are to: (1) Provide necessary information in a timely, simple, and effective manner to manage mineral resources in Binh Thuan province; (2) Improve staff capacity in mineral resource management and supervision towards applying 4.0 technology.

The WebGIS system allows users to view information on the current status of mineral exploitation planning, unexpired mines, prohibited mining zones, and other information such as current land use status, etc.

The system automatically updates the latest satellite images to help users track and monitor the status of mines through the latest satellite image layer, the satellite image layer 1 month ago. Sentinel 2 satellite image data has a resolution of 10m, with a shooting time of 5 days, new images will be available.

The system automatically sends SMS and email warnings when changes in mineral exploitation occur in prohibited areas. When a warning occurs, the system will display information about warning points that occur, users can search and filter according to their administrative level.

In addition, the system has a mineral mine management function, allowing users to add, delete, and edit mines, and users can create and view mineral exploitation reports of each mineral mine.

Based on the above information sources, the system provides online information, thereby helping management levels have easier, timely, and more effective access to the situation of mineral activities of mining areas within the planning of Binh Thuan province through the WebGIS map. In addition, the system also allows sending messages and emails when fluctuations detected from satellite images occur within the management unit’s scope.