Integrating biodiversity conservation, adaptation to climate change and sustainable forest management in the Trung Truong Son landscape. Component 1: Biodiversity and Protected Area Management
- 27/11/2019
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Project
Implementation Time: 2017 – 2020
Client: ADB/ Central Project Management Unit of the Greater Mekong Sub-region Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Project (Vietnam Component)
The project “Integrating biodiversity conservation, adaptation to climate change and sustainable forest management in the Trung Truong Son landscape” (hereinafter called BCC-GEF project) is funded by the Global Environment Fund via ADB grant. VEA is assigned as project owner by MONRE to deploy projects from 2017 to 2020 at 3 provinces: Quang Nam, Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue.
The objectives of the project is to support and enhance the effectiveness of the project “Greater Mekong Subregion Biodiversity Conservation Corridors, phase 2 (BCC project); strengthen management and maintenance of the ecological integrity of the protected areas and surrounding areas in the Trung Truong Son landscape of Vietnam; ensure sustainable forest ecosystem service and adaptation to climate change in the Trung Truong Son area that benefit for the livelihoods of local communities and contribute to economic growth of the area.
Component 1. Biodiversity and protected area management (called PAMS1) by a partnership between GFD and Center for Environment and Sustainable Forestry Development implemented from 2017 to 2020, with the contents focus on improving management plans for 08 protected areas in the three project provinces, supporting the development of provincial biodiversity conservation plans, village-level conservation plans (VCP) and developing livelihoods for people in the buffer zone; Integrate PFES into biodiversity conservation in the buffer zone of protected areas.
The PAMS1 technical consultancy package consists of 8 tasks with the following outputs: i) D1 provides training courses to capacity building of PAs staff and provide general support for OMP implementation; ii) D2 and D3 are the two activities related to the preparation of the guidance and develop the PAs Operations Management Plan (OMP); iii) D4: Support Consultancy to develop provincial biodiversity conservation plans for 3 provinces; iv) D5, D6, and D7 are activities related to the development of guidelines, organizing pilot training and implementing the expansion of the development of Village Conservation Plan (VCP) for priority villages; D8 is activities related to the situation assessment and solutions to improve the efficiency of PFES in the 3 participating provinces.
Results of the project:
D1 activity:
PAMS1 conducted a survey, needs assessment and training for staff from 7 participating NRs: Song Thanh Nature Reserve, Sao La Nature Reserve, Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve, Sao La Nature Reserve, Phong Dien Nature Reserve, Dakrong Nature Reserve, Bac Huong Hoa Nature Reserve. The training topics included: (1) Violation handling skills in the field of forest management and protection; Updating policies and laws on biodiversity conservation; (2) Communication and community outreach skills; (3) Wildlife identification and monitoring skills; (4) Skills for identification and monitoring of forest plants; (5) Skills in using GIS, GPS and remote sensing.
D2 activity.
- Guidelines for the OMP development: The consultant developed the OMP and issued a decision issued by the CPMU to serve as a baseline document for the OMP preparation training for the NRs.
- Training on OMP development: A total of 07 training courses on operation management plan development were conducted from November 21, 2017 to January 27, 2018 in 07 participating NRs. The total number of trainees participating in the training course was 105 participants representing the NRs leadership, the staff currently working in the NRs participating in the project. In addition, the participation of representatives of the Central Project Management Board (CPMU) and coordinator, coordinating assistant of the Provincial Project Management Unit (PPMU).
- Results Development of an operational management plan (OMP) of the protected area: Seven (07) Nature Reserves including Song Thanh NR, Sao La NR, and Ngoc Linh NR (Quang Nam province); Dakrong NR and Bac Huong Hoa NR (Quang Tri province); Phong Dien NR and Sao La NR (Thua Thien Hue province). The units have been approved by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of the three provinces to approve the technical appraisal results for OMP.
D3 activity.
The PAMS1 consultant has supported the NRs to implement the prioritized activities in the approved OMP plan. As a result, 95% of the priority activities in the OMP have been completed. The activities are divided into 2 main groups includes: Activity self-performed and priority activities in OMP through bidding.
- The activities are self-performed of the seven Nature reserves focus on: i) Propaganda to community raise awareness about forest protection and biodiversity conservation; ii) Environmental education for students of Primary and Secondary schools on knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behavior changes, contributing to propaganda on forest protection and biodiversity conservation; iii) Activities of patrol and law enforcement in deforestation hotspots; iv) Develop coordination regulations among stakeholders in forest protection, forest fire-prevention, and fighting, and biodiversity conservation; v) Organize the announcement of the establishment decision with a new nature reserve – Ngoc Linh Nature Reserve. These activities have contributed to changing the awareness of the community and students about forest protection and biodiversity; making a practical contribution to the protection of wildlife, combating forest land encroachment, illegal forest product exploitation to landscape protection, and biodiversity corridor conservation of the Central Truong Son.
- Activities carried out through bidding include: i) Procurement of equipment for forest research, patrol and protection; ii) Equipping with tools to support communication, setting up boundary landmarks; iii) Seedlings and breedings to support livelihoods for buffer zone communities. The results of the activities have contributed to improving the efficiency of communicate activities; providing equipment to improving the efficiency of patrol and scientific research activities; Contribute to improving the income of people through the livelihood support model in OMP.
The results of the activities also contribute to the goal of protecting forests, protecting target species, and maintaining the sustainability of natural forest ecosystems to biodiversity conservation, and improving conservation area efficiency.
D4 activity.
The PAMS1 consultant has supported the NR Management Boards to develop biodiversity conservation plans (except for Bac Huong Hoa NR and Dakrong Nature Reserve in Quang Tri, which were approved in 2017).
D5 activity.
The PAMS1 consultant has conducted a survey of 40 priority villages as the basis for developing a Village Conservation Plan (VCP). The guidance to develop VCP has been consulted by stakeholders for finalization and issued by the decision of CPMU to serve as the basis for VCP development for 40 priority villages.
D6 activity.
On the basis of the VCP development guidelines issued by the CPMU, PAMS1 organized 6 training courses in 6 model villages and the remaining 34 priority villages were also assigned participants to learn about the application of VCP development.
D7 activity.
The consultant supported 40/40 villages to successfully develop the VCP plan and approved by PPMUs of 3 provinces of Quang Tri, Quang Nam, and Thua Thien Hue. PAMS1 consultant has completed technical assistance for 40 priority villages to complete 35/38 priority activities in VCP (accounting for 92.11%). The activities are divided into 2 main groups includes: Activity self-performed and priority activities in OMP through bidding.
- Priority activities for self-performed: Activities of propaganda and awareness-raising of communities on forest protection and biodiversity; disseminating regulations, signing commitments to forest protection and forest fire prevention and fighting; meeting activities of the village conservation board; building forest protection and management regulations; wildlife patrol and trap removal, etc. Activities have contributed to raising awareness of the community and contributing to forest protection and development, and improved biodiversity conservation.
- Activities through bidding: The main activities are to purchase equipment for the patrol team; to support seedlings and breeding stocks to support livelihood development. These activities have supported to improve the effectiveness of forest patrol and protection, increase income for local people, and reduce pressure on forests.
D8 activity.
The consultant conducted the survey and report development on the PFES situation in the 3 participating provinces. Thereby, the consultant has developed a technical guidance to expand and improve the effectiveness of PFES.
The activities in the Guidelines focus on the following activities: i) Pilot solutions to enhance the effectiveness of PFES activities in 03 pilot villages of Ta Long commune, Dakrong district, Quang Tri province; ii) Training for capacity building on PFES in Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue provinces; iii) Support and promote 11 CFM villages of the BCC project (villages with community forest management) to be paid for PFES. By 2020, all 11 villages have been paid for PFES. In addition, the project also has supported developing the PFES map in Thua Thien Hue province (5 basins: A Lin B1, A Lin B2, Rao Trang 3, Rao Trang 4, and Song Bo) was completed in December 2020 (results of another contract in the project). The project has reviewed and handed over the results to Thua Thien Hue Provincial Forest Protection and Development Fund for use in building annual payment plans. It is expected that there will be 23 village communities, 941 households, and 7 groups of households that will be entitled to PFES sources after 05 basins go into payment; besides, there are 04 CPCs and 05 organizations assigned to manage forests by the State. Forest owners who are organizations will have activities to re-assign to villages and households to participate in forest management and protection with some areas near local people. Therefore, the number of households and village communities benefiting from PFES in the 5 basins supported by the project will increase.
The PAMS1 consultant has completed all the tasks in the package. The support activities of the PAMS1 consultant have contributed to the success of the project in improving the efficiency of biodiversity conservation in the Central Truong Son landscape corridor area.